Troubleshooting Telehealth Zoom Issues


At a Glance:

Using Zoom

Testing Your Connection


This guide is designed to provide everything you need to know about utilizing Zoom for your telehealth appointment, including common oversights that can lead to connection issues. Zoom has become an indispensable tool for connecting Lifeforce Clinicians with members for Telehealth appointments. If you experience problems with Zoom, this page offers solutions to common problems to ensure a smooth and effective consultation experience.

Using Zoom

Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool that requires no special hardware beyond a computer equipped with a webcam and microphone. Here are some key points to remember:

  • There's no need to create a Zoom account. In fact, being logged into a Zoom account can interfere with joining your Telehealth meeting.
  • Using Zoom for your Telehealth appointment is free, so you won't need to provide any payment information to Zoom.

Testing Your Connection

To ensure your equipment is ready for the meeting:

  • Test your connection, microphone, and speakers by visiting the Zoom test page.


Encountering issues during your Zoom meeting? Here are some fixes:

  • Host Not Visible: If you join the meeting at the scheduled time but can't see anyone, you're likely logged into a Zoom account. Due to Lifeforce's privacy settings, which comply with HIPAA guidelines, you are required to be logged OUT of Zoom to connect to the session.
  • Host is in another meeting message: If you see the message ‘host is in another meeting’ when you join your call, this simply informs you that your clinician is in another meeting and will join your meeting shortly.
  • Logging Out of Zoom: If you're logged into Zoom, disconnect from the meeting, and log out using the menu under the portrait icon in the top-right corner. Then, rejoin the meeting.
  • Correct Connection Indicator: A prompt to enter your name before joining the meeting indicates you're connecting correctly.
  • Zoom Support: For issues related to using Zoom, such as camera and microphone problems or connection issues, refer to Zoom’s support resources here. 

Zoom is a secure and efficient platform for Lifeforce members to attend their telehealth appointments. If you encounter any issues that this guide doesn't address, don't hesitate to contact our member concierge team for further assistance. Ensuring you're well-prepared for your telehealth session is a key step in advancing your health journey with Lifeforce.


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